Born April 20th, 2019. Virgil comes to us from my niece by way of Rob and Peggy stewart. Early in 2019 my sister called me and asked if I wanted a cat. I said that I was not ready for another one right now, but I had a friend that might be. I talked to Peggy and she said talk to Rob.
Just before Norwescon 42 (2019), my sister contacted me to ask if I wanted a cat. We were not ready quite yet, so I declined. But, I mentioned it to my friend Rob. He said "Not unless it is an orange female." To which I replied, "Well, as it happens..." The cat was pregnant and he declined the offer.
I kept after him. Showing him pictures and prompting how cute she was. He was steadfast. On the Saturday of Norwescon, April 20th she had her kittens. Eight orange kittens, of which seven survived. A very unusual batch in that six were female and only one male.
The mom cat had the kittens, but it turned out that my Nieces then SO was going to take them all to the shelter since they needed to have some work done on their house by the landlord and she had a no cats clause in the lease. I called Rob and told him that the kittens were going to the shelter. And all of the shelters in Spokane are kill shelters. He said that he would take them all. He then proceeded to drive to Spokane and pick them up. All, while he was deathly ill with the con crud.
We told Peggy and Rob that we would take one. At first they were going to keep Virgil, but then decided that they would let us have him. We Picked him up on June 29th, 2019.
Gallery coming soon